Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (035) Inviting the Archers


Although the thaw had set in, there was still a significant amount of snow laying on the ground the next day, but George got word from his friend in St Pierre that the port was open again, so Danny and Molly had a quick tidy round in preparation of their visitor’s belated arrival and it was to prove to be their most peaceful morning for the remainder of the year.


The day after that was the last day on the island for Gwen’s sister Ruth Weaver who was returning to Mornington and on Beacon farm Nicola Harrison was enjoying a relatively quiet day following a hectic couple of days rescuing sheep stuck in the snow with fellow Shepherdess, Hayley Stock.

Relaxation for Nikki normally consisted of her enjoying her hobby which involved her art, and up until recently that was precisely what it was, and she used to share it on different forums, just to get feedback, which is where one of her pieces  was spotted by bestselling crime fiction writer, Danny Nightingale, who had been searching for a suitable image as cover art for his latest book.

She was thrilled, as she was a major fan, and it was nice to get paid for her work, and although she had been contracted to provide art for the next two books, she had no desire to become a professional artist.

Firstly, because she liked being a shepherd, she liked farming, but mainly because if her hobby became her job, she would need to find another hobby.

She had developed other interests however, as part of her art Nikki often flew a drone above the landscape to film inaccessible places, and wildlife, she used it originally to assist her mum to locate stray sheep, but the aid to her art was an unexpected bonus.

But then in the middle of November that bonus paid dividends when Danny Nightingale approached her to film Cliff Haven from every conceivable angle, without Molly realizing, as part of a special Christmas present.

For her birthday he had commissioned a special present for her by Sam Archer, a craftsman who lived and worked in Sharpington, a hand-crafted snow globe, containing a detailed model of her former Colorado home, Lakeside, which she loved, so for the Christmas gift he contacted Sam again.

As it was Nikki who gathered all the footage together Danny suggested she emailed Sam directly, which she did at the end of November, and following that first contact, Nikki and Sam corresponded extensively, but they hadn’t met.

They got on really well, and had a lot in common, even though he was almost three years older.

The correspondence became more frequent over Christmas while Downshire and the Island were blanketed by snow, even when she was up on the hills rescuing sheep, which was why late on Boxing Day, on the spur of the moment she invited him to the farm for New Years.

But the moment she pressed send, panic set in, had she been too hasty, would he feel the same, or would he prefer to keep her at arm’s length, and every minute that went by without reply the more paranoid she became.

In the meantime, she spoke to her mum to make sure she was cool with it, and she was over the moon that Nikki was interested in someone, and two hours later she got a reply.

“Love to come to the island, but…” it began.

“Oh, here we go” she thought, and took a deep breath before reading on.

“… would it be alright if I drag Harry over there with me? he’s a bit of a coach potato.”

She let out the breath she was holding and smiled.

“Of course, no problem”

“Mum!!” she called.

“Yes love”

“We’ve got another guest for New Years.”


After coming off the hill at the end of the day Nikki sat in the quiet of her room, as she warmed her hands on a large mug of hot chocolate, and thought about what happened the previous day, and applauded herself for her out of character boldness in inviting Sam for the New Year weekend, and she felt very smug indeed as she slipped beneath the duvet.

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (034) Boxing Day


Boxing day at Cliff Haven was a very casual affair which started late and involved Molly and Danny wearing their pyjamas and watching TV all day.

Their visitors were finally arriving the next day so they were taking advantage of the peace and quiet and enjoying their own company while they could.


Gwen Loots was having an even busier day with her children and her sister, culminating with her going out on a date with Phil Holgate, as her sister Ruth was staying for Christmas, so she was babysitting the children, but after spending three hours getting ready, she was suffering a crisis of confidence.

“I’m going to call him and cancel” Gwen said.

“Why?” Ruth asked, “He’s totally smitten with you.”

“It was probably just the wine” she retorted.

“He snogged your face off” Ruth pointed out.

“That was probably the wine too” she retorted forlornly.

“Don’t be silly” Ruth said sternly “Put your coat on.”

Five minutes later there was a knock on the door and when she opened it Gwen stepped straight out and headed up the path.

“Have a great time Gwennie” Ruth called after her, but she didn’t reply, and Phil gave her a look.

“She’s having a wobble” Ruth whispered, and he nodded sagely.

“A large glass of wine and some comforting words will do the trick” he said, “See you later.”

“That should do the trick” Ruth said and laughed.

“Have a nice evening.”

Once inside she refilled her glass, and resumed her seat on the sofa, she was so pleased that Gwen had a date, with a nice guy, it was only a couple of drinks at the Philips Folly pub, but it was a beginning.

At some point during the evening Ruth fell asleep, she loved her nieces, but they were wearing her out, she woke up just after eleven o’clock, and only then because she needed to pee.

After spending a penny, she returned to her seat and watched TV, but was really ready to go to bed.

About ten minutes later the front door opened and Gwen tottered into the lounge with a broad smile on her face.

“So, did he snog your face off again?” Ruth asked as Gwen plopped down on the sofa.

“He did,” she said smiling “three times.”


The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (033) Christmas Lore


Even with the early start and the girls waking her up at stupid o’clock, and spending most of the morning in the kitchen preparing the lunch, Gwen thought it was a lovely day.

The next day would be more likely to be a morning constitutional, to wear the children out, in preparation of a lazy afternoon curled up on the sofa beside the roaring log fire watching Disney films on TV, there might even be an afternoon snooze involved.

But Christmas day wasn’t over yet, and she had to admit that Ruth was right about inviting Phil round for dinner, he had been good company and brilliant with the girls.

However, it was soon time for the girls to get ready for bed.

“PJ time girls” Gwen said.

“Aw, do we have to, its Christmas” Maisie said.

“It’ll still be Christmas when you’re in your PJ’s” Phil pointed out.

“OK” she said, “Come on Elsie.”

“Kay” Elsie said, and they both ran out and up the stairs.

“I think that’s my cue to make a move” Phil said and stood up.

“Thank you very much for your hospitality and the lovely dinner.”

“You’re welcome” Gwen said, and also stood.

“But you’ll need to wait until the girls come back, they’ll want to say goodbye.”

“Of course,” he said, “I wouldn’t want to upset them.”

“They won’t be long” she said and right on cue the girls came running back in the room wearing dressing gowns over their PJ’s and slippers on their feet.

“Say goodbye girls, Phil has to go.”

“Ohhh,” they chorused but gave him a hug anyway.

Meanwhile Ruth drained her glass and looked up.

“Look!” she exclaimed pointing above Gwen and Phil’s heads.


“So?” Gwen retorted.

“You’re under the mistletoe” Ruth reiterated “And you know what that means.”

“We don’t have to kiss” Gwen responded.

“It would be bad luck not to” Phil said.

“It would be against the law not to” Ruth added superciliously.

“It would not” Gwen said decisively.

“I’m telling you its Christmas law” Ruth said.

“Well, it is Christmas, so I think we must” Phil said.

So, Gwen stood on tip toe to face him and puckered up and gave him a Christmas kiss, it wasn’t a full on pash, but it was more than just in deference to the season and when they stopped, they were red faced and the girls were giggling.

“I’ll show you out” Gwen said, and Phil said goodbye to Ruth and the girls.

On the doorstep Phil turned to face her but before he could speak, she kissed him and as her lips touched his it was evident that it was so much more than a ritualistic Christmas kiss or drunken lust.

The kiss lasted for a full five minutes and might easily have gone on for another five had Maisie not opened the lounge door to see what was going on.

So, because of the interruption they had to curtail things and when she went back inside, they had a date arranged for the next day.

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (032) Christmas Afternoon


Ruth was finishing off the dinner while Gwen was getting ready and when she appeared in the doorway she was immaculately dressed and beautifully made up.

“Wow” Ruth said, “you look stunning.”

“I look tarty” she responded morosely.

“No, you don’t” she reassured her “Phil will trip over his tongue when he sees you.”

“What if he thinks I look tarty?”

“He won’t think that because you look gorgeous” Ruth said to her softly.

“I hope so” she replied forlornly and then there was a knock on the door.


Danny emerged from the kitchen carrying two glasses of wine and sat down to open their presents.

Molly had never exchanged Christmas presents with a special someone before and she was extremely excited indeed, almost as excited as she was with the Christmas awakening that morning.  

She was already on her hands and knees under the tree by the time Danny entered the room.

“Let’s open these first” she said and handed him a Christmas stocking full of little gifts and novelties.

“Ok but let me sit down first” he said laughing and when he was seated, he took the stocking from her, and they opened them together, and ten minutes of giggling excitement followed.

“Open this one next” Molly said and handed up a little gift bag to him, and when he opened it, it revealed a gold bookmark with a stylized silhouette of a nightingale.

“I love it” he said and gave her a kiss.

“Your turn” Danny said and reached under the tree and brought out a small neatly wrapped parcel tied with a bow.

She untied the bow and loosened the wrappings, then opened the box, and inside was a Charm bracelet, with three charms, a Church, a crucifix, and a book.

“It’s beautiful” Molly said “So, so beautiful.”

“Your turn again” she said and reached under the tree and brought out another parcel.

When he unwrapped it, it was the Black and White quartered shirt of his beloved Abbottsford Town Football Club, and emblazoned on the back was his name “Nightingale”, and the number 3, which was his lucky number, he had been a lifelong supporter of the “Knights” and he was wearing his old shirt when he had the accident the previous January and it got a bit bloody.

“Thank you, sweetheart,” he said and kissed her.

His next present for her wasn’t as exciting but she really loved the box of handmade truffles, from Crazy Chocolatiers.

“I saved the most special one till last” she said and handed him a colourful giftbox tied with a bow, inside wrapped in tissue paper, was a box with a jeweller’s logo on it and inside was a Gold Wristwatch engraved on the back “To Danny, the love of my life, from Molly”.

“That’s an amazing present” he said and joined Molly on the floor and kissed her.

“Ok last present” he said.

“I’ve never had so many presents at Christmas before” she said.

“Well, you have now” Danny said, “Open it, open it.”

“I’m savouring it” Molly said.

When she had carefully removed the paper, layer by layer, she put it on the floor and slowly opened the gift box she looked inside and found a snow globe.

“Wow” she exclaimed “it’s our home.”

“It is” he agreed.

“It’s the best Christmas ever” she said with tears in her eyes.

“Just perfect”

“You make it perfect” Danny said.

“Oh Danny” Molly said, “I really love you.”

“And I love you too” he responded, and they kissed again.


David and June never mentioned their near miss of the previous day, in fact it became the elephant in the room for Christmas Day and Boxing Day, instead they had a pleasant Christmas Day afternoon with Janis, who had rallied for a few hours, and a booze free evening, and a similar spell on Boxing Day, the rest of the time they hardly spoke with the exception of small talk in relation to something on TV.

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (031) Christmas Morning


Molly was awake early on Christmas Morning and made sure that Danny was awake too, she wanted to make the most of every minute of their first Christmas Day together.

“Merry Christmas Darling” Molly said as she kissed her lover awake.

“Merry Christmas” he replied sleepily, and they cuddled up close.

“This is really nice” he said and then Molly started nibbling his ear.

“Oh, it’s that kind of Happy Christmas” he said.

It was fortunate that Molly had woken so early because they needed to get dinner started and the bird in the oven before getting ready for church.

The present opening wasn’t until after lunch as per Molly’s tradition.


It was a cold grey morning, and the snow showed no sign of thawing, and if anything, it was more difficult to walk on than it had been the night before, but they made it to St Clara’s for the Christmas morning service on time and Reverend Arielle Nicolas welcomed them warmly as they arrived.


After the Christmas worship they walked slowly back to the cottage for lunch, and it started snowing again, and by the time they got home it was falling fast.

“You know what this means?” Danny said.

“No, what?” she asked innocently.

“It means we get to spend boxing day on our own as well” he replied.

“Oh goodie” she retorted “And we don’t need to get dressed.”

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (030) Christmas Eve

 At Gwen’s house she and her sister Ruth were enjoying a glass of wine after putting the girls to bed and talking about Gwen’s admirer.

“He’s very good looking.”

“Barry was very good looking and look how that turned out.” Gwen said.

“Not every man is like Barry” Ruth said, “It’s time to take a chance on someone.”

“It’s not like I haven’t thought about it” she said, “I am keen on him.”


“Well, several times I’ve made up my mind to stop and talk to him” she said, “But when it comes to the moment my bottle goes.”

“I think you need to have another drink and then go round to his house and invite him round for Christmas dinner” Ruth said.

“No, I couldn’t do that” Gwen said as Ruth refilled her glass.


After watching the film, Danny and Molly Facetimed with Sam Nightingale and his family, and they shared their trials and tribulations of their journey, but sung the virtues of the wonderful hotel, and they were really looking forward to meeting in person.

Almost within the blink of an eye two hours had passed and it was time for them to get ready for church.  


Ruth slipped Gwen’s shoes on her feet and said

“Come on time to get back on the horse.”

Then she took her arm and walked her to the front door.

“Are you sure about this?” Gwen asked with panic in her voice as she turned to her sister.

“Definitely” she replied.

Phil’s front door was visible from Gwen doorstep and Ruth watched Gwen all the way as she walked through the snow, despite the cold, and continued watching all the way to Phil’s front door and watched Gwen knock and it was opened in moments.


It was just after nine o’clock on Christmas Eve and Phil was rereading the same chapter for the umpteenth time because the long blinks were setting in, when there was a knock on the door.

He couldn’t tell who it was, he thought it was a bit late for carol singers, but beyond that he was clueless, so he opened the door and was gob smacked.

“Hey Gwen” he said.

“I hope you don’t mind me popping in on Christmas Eve, I don’t want to upset your plans” she said.

“No plans to interrupt at the moment I’m afraid, I’m just struggling to keep my eyes open while I finish this chapter” he replied.

“Is it not a good book?” she asked.

“It is, I’m just tired” he said and laughed. “Did you want to come in out of the cold?”

“No, I won’t thanks” Gwen said, “I just wondered if you’d like to have Christmas dinner with me and my sister, unless you already have plans.”

“No” he said.

“Oh ok” Gwen said crestfallen.

“No, I mean I have no plans” he said hurriedly “I would love to come for dinner.”

“Great” Gwen said and turned away “Lunch is at 3.”

“See you then” he said and watched her down the path but didn’t spot her give the thumbs up to her sister who was still standing on Gwen’s doorstep.


The snow hadn’t completely abated by the time they left the cottage, but it was much lighter than it had been, but it was slippery underfoot and Molly held on tightly to Danny’s arm on the way to St Clara’s. 

Despite the cold and the snow, the church was well attended, and when they walked in it was in semi darkness to add to the magic.

Molly had always found Midnight Mass very moving and quite atmospheric when conducted properly.

So, she and Danny took their seats and settled themselves and then Molly bowed her head, closed her eyes, and took a few moments to pray.

Her favourite part of the service was at the stroke of midnight when the lights come up to signify the light of Christ in the world.

“Magical” she said.

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (029) Christmas Eve in Pipershaven


Pipershaven was blanketed with snow when June got up to shower and it was still snowing heavily, so she decided to forgo the shower, and quickly dressed and went downstairs.

“Do you want breakfast?” David asked

“No, I’d better get going”

Janis was still sleeping so she said goodbye to David and set off for the drive to the port.

However, she returned to her sister’s house three hours later having been unable to get to the port in time for the 8am ferry and although she was aboard the 11 o’clock, she had to disembark after it was announced that St Pieere port had been closed until further notice.

So, she booked herself on the first available sailing when St Pierre reopened.

“I’m stranded” she said, “Can I stay here until the port reopens?”

“Of course,”


Due to the snow David’s cul-de-sac was even quieter than normal, and with Janis suffering the effects of the previous day’s exertions and sleeping uncomfortably, there was a somber mood at the house.

Which only deepened following a very heated phone call between June and her husband John who was not best pleased with her absence from their family Christmas.

She expressed her regret at missing the festivities and that she was the one missing out, but it cut no ice with John.

“How many times do I have to apologize, I didn’t make it snow, or cancel the ferries or close St Pierre” she shouted and then hung up.

Although it wasn’t her fault and she had expressed regret to John about it, in truth part of her was actually pleased to be missing Christmas in Saxvirdan.

It wasn’t “her” family Christmas that she was missing, it was John’s the only family she had was in the front room being slowly eaten away.

June didn’t like John’s family and they didn’t care much for her.

So, some time away from them was just what she needed.


When the evening came and they had eaten, David opened a bottle of wine, and even before they’d started the second bottle, they began unloading their burdens on each other.

He detailed his trials and tribulations of watching the woman he loved slowly slipping away from life, while she talked about the members of the Stonard’s who had not really accepted her as being good enough for John.

David was able to make her feel better by revealing some unsavory gossip about her husband’s clan which she didn’t know.

June then proceeded to reveal more and more about herself and their relationship with every drink, but the more she drank the more she tended to ramble, she spoke a lot about time, and sand running through her fingers and choices and not knowing.

David couldn’t really follow her train of thought, and the drink wasn’t helping, so he stopped refilling her glass at that point and half an hour later he decided it was time to get her to bed.

He had to manhandle her and steer her through the door and up the stairs and when they reached the spare bedroom door, he had to wedge her against the wall while he opened the door, unfortunately as the door swung open, she fell into the room.

David instinctively reached out and grabbed her, in an effort to prevent her from hurting herself, unfortunately in trying to avoid grabbing anything intimate he only succeeded in falling to the floor before she did, and landed on his back and she landed on top of him.

“You know David if I wasn’t your sister-in-law I’d shag you” she slurred before planting an almost Labrador like kiss on his mouth.

“And if I wasn’t happily married” he said after extricating himself from her embrace “I’d let you”

Then he struggled to his feet and helped June to do the same before steering her into the bedroom.

“But I’m happily married” he said as he plopped her onto the bed

“I’m not,” She slurred “So there’s nothing stopping me”

She said and grabbed him by the shoulders and planted another kiss on his mouth, much more controlled and unhurried.

Worried that he was starting to reciprocate, he broke away from her embrace again.

“But you are my sister-in-law” he replied and kissed her on the forehead and left.

He was very flattered by a woman five years his junior offering herself to him on a plate, but he was proud of himself for turning her down, and not because he didn’t fancy her.

June wasn’t an unattractive woman by any measure, with a warm open manner, a willowy thirty-five-year-old, with shoulder length brunette hair, intelligent green laughing eyes and a broad toothy smile, an altogether very pleasant demeanor, she ticked a lot of boxes for him.

If she offered it again in the future, he might not be so strong.