Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (033) Christmas Lore


Even with the early start and the girls waking her up at stupid o’clock, and spending most of the morning in the kitchen preparing the lunch, Gwen thought it was a lovely day.

The next day would be more likely to be a morning constitutional, to wear the children out, in preparation of a lazy afternoon curled up on the sofa beside the roaring log fire watching Disney films on TV, there might even be an afternoon snooze involved.

But Christmas day wasn’t over yet, and she had to admit that Ruth was right about inviting Phil round for dinner, he had been good company and brilliant with the girls.

However, it was soon time for the girls to get ready for bed.

“PJ time girls” Gwen said.

“Aw, do we have to, its Christmas” Maisie said.

“It’ll still be Christmas when you’re in your PJ’s” Phil pointed out.

“OK” she said, “Come on Elsie.”

“Kay” Elsie said, and they both ran out and up the stairs.

“I think that’s my cue to make a move” Phil said and stood up.

“Thank you very much for your hospitality and the lovely dinner.”

“You’re welcome” Gwen said, and also stood.

“But you’ll need to wait until the girls come back, they’ll want to say goodbye.”

“Of course,” he said, “I wouldn’t want to upset them.”

“They won’t be long” she said and right on cue the girls came running back in the room wearing dressing gowns over their PJ’s and slippers on their feet.

“Say goodbye girls, Phil has to go.”

“Ohhh,” they chorused but gave him a hug anyway.

Meanwhile Ruth drained her glass and looked up.

“Look!” she exclaimed pointing above Gwen and Phil’s heads.


“So?” Gwen retorted.

“You’re under the mistletoe” Ruth reiterated “And you know what that means.”

“We don’t have to kiss” Gwen responded.

“It would be bad luck not to” Phil said.

“It would be against the law not to” Ruth added superciliously.

“It would not” Gwen said decisively.

“I’m telling you its Christmas law” Ruth said.

“Well, it is Christmas, so I think we must” Phil said.

So, Gwen stood on tip toe to face him and puckered up and gave him a Christmas kiss, it wasn’t a full on pash, but it was more than just in deference to the season and when they stopped, they were red faced and the girls were giggling.

“I’ll show you out” Gwen said, and Phil said goodbye to Ruth and the girls.

On the doorstep Phil turned to face her but before he could speak, she kissed him and as her lips touched his it was evident that it was so much more than a ritualistic Christmas kiss or drunken lust.

The kiss lasted for a full five minutes and might easily have gone on for another five had Maisie not opened the lounge door to see what was going on.

So, because of the interruption they had to curtail things and when she went back inside, they had a date arranged for the next day.

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