Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (168) Saving the Day


Cheryl and Lee were in a Christingle meeting when Steve arrived at the Church, so it was Sally Swift who met him and showed him the system.

Sally’s day job was working in the harbour master’s office, but she was also a Committee member at St Joan of Arc, but her real passion was as a singer with the Church worship band.

“So what would you like to see first?” she asked

“The sound system is my main area of expertise” he said “and I’ll need to see the control desks please”

“No problem” Sally responded


After showing him where everything was, she said

“I’ll leave you in peace while I make a drink, what would you like?”

“Black Coffee if I may” he replied

“You may” she replied and smiled


Sally made him a coffee and then half an hour later she made him another one and by the time he’d finished it Lee appeared.

“Typical” Steve said “He suddenly appears when I’m done”

“Of course” Lee retorted, and the friends embraced

“But I left you in very capable hands”

“Very capable” he said and smiled at Sally who blushed

“Anyway what’s the verdict?” Lee asked

“Well it’s not a complicated system,” Steve retorted

“So I can easily patch it up in the short term, and after Christmas I can do a more permanent fix”  

“The Church doesn’t have much money,” Sally added

“Not an issue” Steve said, “I have a small stock of refurbed equipment”

“And you’d do the work?” Lee asked

“Absolutely, it will give me another reason to come to the island” he replied and made Sally blush again

“Will it take long?” Lee asked “It’s a big week for the Church”

“We’ve got St Lucy’s, Christingle and the Carol Concert over four days”

“I can have it finished by the end of tomorrow” Steve said directly to her “And I can be on hand to nursemaid the system for the big events” 

“That would definitely be useful” she replied flirtily

“Well let’s go and make Cheryl’s day then” Lee said

“Oh I think you should go and make her day” Steve said making Lee blush and Sally looked confused.


It took about twenty minutes for Lee to track Cheryl down and in the end, he found her sitting in the Vestry looking glum and when she saw him, she stood up and said.

“Its bad news, isn’t it?”

“No” he replied and after he explained what Steve had suggested she looked at him without speaking and tears started to well up in her eyes and then ran down her cheeks and she threw herself into his arms.

“Oh Lee” she sobbed and buried her tearstained face in his neck.

He held her close and stroked her back for a few minutes as Cheryl’s sobs began to get shallower and shallower and eventually abated.

Cheryl held on to him tightly and sighed into his neck before she lifted her head, smiled at him briefly before she kissed him on the mouth.


Late afternoon Elke Offord was down by the harbour walking her dog when the “Maid of the Bay” finished unloading their catch and Conrad awkwardly disembarked.

“You idiot” Elke shouted “You were told to rest”

“So now you’re talking to me” he retorted

“The Doctor told you to rest” she stated

“I have rested, I’ve been sat in the wheelhouse for the whole trip” he said “And I’ve used my stick for getting around”

“You’re still an idiot” she said crossly

“Why do you care?” he retorted “You couldn’t have been less caring at the hospital, what was all that about?”

“What’s it about? What’s it about?” she snapped

“You promised to call me after we met on New Years Eve”, and guess what? You didn’t call”

“I didn’t call because you didn’t give me your number” Conrad replied

“Yes, I did, I put it in your phone” she corrected him

“No the number you put in my phone was for a plumber in Pipershaven, I still have it” he said and showed her the number

“Ah” she exclaimed and rushed off

“Slowdown” he called as he hurried after her “Slowdown”

“Why?” she barked “So I can be humiliated some more?”

“No I was thinking of a quiet drink and taking the weight off my knee”

“Oh ok… sorry” she said and took his arm.


When Sally walked past the St Joan of Arc on Tuesday on her way to work, she saw Steve Sharpe’s van parked outside the Church and there were a lot of strange noises emanating from inside, she wished she’d had the time to go and investigate but she was already running late.


Also that morning Molly Barrington and her fiancé Danny Nightingale left the island on a Christmas Shopping expedition to Abbottsford, so they caught the midday ferry to Pipershaven before driving to Applesford, where they stayed at his flat for the night.


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