Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (155) Doctor in Waiting


On Thursday Morning Doctor Stuart Cameron was just slipping his coat on in preparation of leaving for work, Deborah was still in her dressing gown as she wasn’t going in until seven that evening as she was working the night shift.

“Hold on” she said and pinned a badge on his lapel before taking a step back

“That’s better”

As it was St Andrew’s Day and Stuart was a Scot she had ordered the badge for him.

It was a shield bearing the Saltire, with a Tam o' Shanter on one corner, St Andrew’s Day emblazoned across the middle with November 30th underneath.

“Thank you” he said and kissed her cheek

“You’re welcome” she replied

“I’ll see you tomorrow” he said and opened the door and shivered as he stepped outside and as he started the engine light snow began to fall.


At roughly the same time up at High Cliff Molly and Danny had started going through the Christmas Decorations and they got George to help put up the outdoor decorations, because Danny didn’t have a head for heights, hanging the garlands was as much height as he could manage even then he let Molly stand on the steps and he handed her the decorations.




On Friday morning when Deborah Woodward returned to Manor Row at the end of her nightshift, it was snowing, and Stuart was just leaving the house to start his day, and they met on the path.

“Go steady Stuart, the roads are treacherous”

“I will” he said, “Are you on again tonight?”

“I’m afraid so” Deborah replied

“Ok I probably won’t see you until the morning then” Stuart said


The snow was falling steadily as she watched Stuart drive away and she shivered, then she opened the door and went inside because her bed was calling to her.


She wasn’t due back at the Bellevue until 7 o’clock in the evening, after a much-needed sleep, a hot shower and something hot to eat.

However that didn’t come to pass as she was woken just after 3pm by a call from the Hospital, asking her to come in early as some of the staff were stranded on the mainland.

So she got up and had a quick shower, a slice of toast and after looking out and seeing how much worse the snow had got, togged herself up for the walk to the hospital.


The wind had freshened and the heavy snowfall of earlier had abated slightly but with the strong wind it had soon turned into a blizzard when Stuart got home just after six o’clock.

Once he was inside, he was surprised to find the house empty, he was hoping to share half an hour with the jovial Doctor, with her infectious laugh, pretty smile, and of course the divine smell of the freshly showered, perfumed and powdered doctor.

When he went into the kitchen, he found a note on the table

“Called in early, see you tomorrow x”


He was about halfway through one of his favourite movies, “The Shape of Water”,  when around 10 o'clock the lights went out. 

“Oh bugger” he exclaimed

He got up and walked over to the window and pushed the curtain to one side and he could see that all the other houses in Manor Row were in darkness.

He knew it must be a power outage, though he didn't know why or how extensive it was, he certainly wasn’t going outside to investigate.

If he had ventured out, he would have discovered that the blackout covered the whole of Beaumont Island due to a problem on the mainland resulting from a fallen tree.

He was planning on having an early night as he wanted to be up and dressed for when Deborah got home, so after laying a fire in the grate he went off to bed.


The next morning he was up at five thirty, and the power was still off, however the weather had calmed down, but there were still light snow showers, so the first thing he did was to light the fire in the grate.

There was no mains gas on the island, so properties had either oil fired, LPG or electric boilers, in Manor Row they were all electric, which meant the only means of heating water in the house when the power was out was by using the open fire and the back boiler, but that didn't feed the radiators, so he kept all the curtains drawn and the doors closed to retain as much heat as possible and dressed warmly and planned a duvet day on the sofa.

Making hot drinks was problematic, without the electric cooker and the kettle so he had to boil water in a camping kettle over the open fire.

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