Thursday 12 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (177) St Thomas’s Day


After the defeat of King Harold at Hastings, a minor nobleman, Gilbert du Beaumont, claimed the Pepperstock Bay islands for himself, and took up residence on the larger Island which he promptly named after himself. 

He named the smaller island St Giles du Cabot in honour of his cousin and childhood friend who died of his wounds after the battle.

It was a rugged inhospitable and largely uninhabitable island surrounded by treacherous rocks. 

For hundreds of years following the dissolution of the monasteries a hardy community of Monks eked out a meagre existence before they had to share their seclusion when work on a lighthouse at Cabot point began in the middle of the 19th Century.

By the 21st Century, three quarters of the island is a Wildlife Sanctuary, there is a small Meteorological Station, a small Hotel, the Seaview, and the Monks, who now run St Giles’s religious retreat, which meant there was a population of between 50 and a 150 people, depending on the time of year. 

There is no Church on the Island but for those of a religious bent were always welcome at the St Giles Chapel.


St Giles is where Rachel Walker and Carla Moody first met and was also where Rachel fell head over heels in love, with Carla.

Rachel had worked at the Seaview Hotel since she left school, but Carla only joined in October, Rachel was from Beaumont Island and lived in at the Hotel whereas Carla lived on St Giles with her parents and brother.

She was three years younger than Rachel, but like her she was socially awkward, and lacked confidence.

As a result, they just smiled at each other for the first month, but at least sat at the same table for lunch, and by December they progressed beyond monosyllabic conversations, and in the week before Christmas they arranged to go Christmas shopping together in Pipershaven.

Rachel was a little concerned there might be an awkward silence on the ferry over, or at some point during the day as they had never spent more than half an hour at a time in each other’s company before that day.

She needn’t have worried as Carla chattered away for the whole journey, as she was so full of excitement.


Rachel had a lovely day, and she was pretty sure that Carla had too, so when they were heading back to the ferry, walking past the library, hands full of bags and chatting, Rachel formulated her plan.

Just after the library they turned left by the art gallery and down a cobbled alley which led to the dock, then they boarded the ferry and headed back to St Giles.

Carla was anxious to go and show her mum her purchases, but Rachel had other ideas.

So, as Carla had to walk past the Hotel to get to the cottage Rachel took hold of some of Carla’s bags and rushed up the path to the staff accommodation.

“Come on Carla” Rachel called “come in for a minute”

“Ok I’m coming” Carla called back “Just for five minutes though”

“Alright come in and close the door” she said and went inside Rachel’s room was the first door on the left.

Carla followed her in a bag in each hand and closed the door behind her as instructed, but as she went into the sitting room, she found Rachel standing in front of her holding up a sprig of mistletoe, and before she could react Rachel took her by surprise and kissed her,

“I didn’t think we were doing presents until Christmas Eve”

Carla said, dropped her bags and kissed her back. 


Carla had stayed much longer than five minutes when they shared a soft, gentle, and affectionate farewell kiss, before Rachel opened the door and Carla went home to share her news with her mum.

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