Thursday 12 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (174) Moral Support


As Molly and Danny were walking to the Church Hall for the committee meeting on Monday, they were surprised to see Dr Cameron leaving the vicarage and get into his car, they said good morning, but he didn’t respond or stop and as he drove away, they wondered what the Doctor was doing there, when making house calls was not in vogue. 

When they got to the Church Hall, they were almost the last to arrive and they found the assembled group in sombre mood.

Also in the room was Henry Noble who was standing in for Arielle for the rest of the week.

It seemed that the stresses and strains of the Christmas calendar had taken its toll on Arielle.

But by all accounts, she would appear to be no more than thoroughly run down and had been advised to take a complete rest.

That was obviously the reason why the Doctor was leaving the vicarage.

Full bed rest for the week would hopefully put her right and she would be strong enough to participate on Christmas Eve.

Reverend Noble would be standing in for her wherever and whenever necessary until then.

There was still a busy program to get through, an advent Sunday, midnight mass and Christmas morning itself as well as the Christmas Wagon and the proceeds from the Christmas Bazaar to discuss.

The meeting moved on at a pace once they got started and they covered a good deal of ground.


As she had a day off on Monday, Fiona decided to take the water taxi to St Giles so she would have a chance to see Simon again and met them just as they were leaving the Seaview.

“This is a nice surprise” Jeannette said and embraced her friend

“I thought I would give you some more moral support” Fiona said but Jeannette knew that was only part of the reason she was there.

They walked with her as far as the Meteorological Station and wished her luck and watched her walk in then Simon and Jeannette took a walk round the Hastings Lake and got to know each other a little better.

He was from Northchapel like Jeannette but was living in Sharpington until he sold his house.

His marriage had just ended, and he just wanted to off load the house and draw a line under an unhappy episode in his life.

“I wouldn’t mind living on the islands” Simon said “first impressions and all that”

“I wouldn’t live anywhere else” Fiona admitted “but you’re not even seeing it at its best”

“I’m looking for a change once the house has been sold” he said “And I like what I see”

When Fiona looked up, she saw he was looking at her and it flustered her.

“Houses don’t come up for sale very often, and tend to remain in the family” she said

“That’s a shame” he said

“But tied properties are a different matter” Fiona suggested


When Jeannette finally reappeared it was clear that she had got the job and couldn’t keep quiet about it for the rest of the day because she was so excited, but for Fiona and Simon they were excited for quite different reasons because they had shared a kiss beside Hasting Lake.

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