Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (154) Sharpington Sojourn


On Monday morning Danny and Molly drove to St Pierre and caught the early ferry to Pipershaven and then they drove to Sharpington.

The autumn storms were battering the seafront, so they checked into the Seaview Hotel and didn’t venture out again for the rest of the day and had an indulgent and boozy dinner in the restaurant.


The next morning, after their night of overindulgence, they slept late though Danny was up first and showered while Molly was still sleeping.

As he showered, he reflected on how lucky he was to have her in his life, and how he loved her so much.

He got out of the shower and hastily dried himself and was just about to open the bathroom door and tell her how much he loved her when the door burst open, and Molly rushed in

“Morning Darling” she said and kissed him

“Hi Babe” he replied and then she bustled him out of the door and closed it behind him, and he smiled, then he finished drying himself off and with the towel wrapped around his waist, he sat on the bed.


When she finally appeared pink and pristine from the bathroom wrapped in towels she said

“Morning Darling” and kissed him and then she kissed him some more, and it was clear that she had a particular kind of good morning in mind.

She had been a virgin when they first got together, but that had been the previous year, and there was nothing innocent about the way she engaged in extracting every ounce of pleasure from him during the course of her lust-fuelled morning assault on him.


Afterwards he dozed off, and when he awoke again, he found Molly sitting in bed next to him drinking the last dregs of a cup of coffee,

“Ahh” she exclaimed “You can’t beat a nice cup of coffee to start the day”


Having worked up an appetite, they headed down for breakfast once they were up and dressed.

The previous days storm had blown through and had been replaced with a much calmer day, though it was grey and drizzly as they walked along the promenade to the parade of shops and next to Doily’s Bookshop was Emmaline’s Christmas Emporium.

“Wow!” Molly exclaimed as they walked through the doors, and her eyes were like saucers. “I love this place”

The last time they were there Molly was like a child in a sweetshop at the end of rationing, not knowing where to look first, and Danny had to rein her in a number of times otherwise she would have bought the whole shop.

This time was a much less frenzied visit as they didn’t need as much as they did the year before, so they were much more selective, but they were still in the store for over two hours.

When they left the shop, the earlier drizzle had dissipated, but  the temperature had dropped significantly and by the time they got back to the Hotel there was a hint of sleet in the air.


The next morning when they drove along the seafront, the skies were leaden grey, and before they’d got halfway to Pipershaven the first flurries of snow danced in the freshening breeze, and nothing changed all the way back to the island. 


Back on the island Natasha Baker drove over to Kingham’s again on the same pretext of checking on the status of the saddle she’d dropped off, but her fabricated ploy was no more successful this time than it had been before as Jacqueline told her that Oliver wasn’t in as he’d gone to the St Pierre.

“Oh buggeration” she muttered as she got back in the Landrover.

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