Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (039) New Years Day



The Vicar, Arielle Nicholas, was the first to arrive for Lunch at Cliff Haven, she was always early, but she was quite comfortable with that, as she had been a regular visitor to the house since Molly and Danny had moved in, and she had met their houseguests a couple of times.

But she had only been there about ten minutes when the rest of the guests arrived through the door.

The first one through the door was Katie Harrison, followed by Nikki who was clearly her mother’s daughter, just younger, and with more vibrancy in her hair, then came a  slim six-foot, young man with blue eyes and shoulder length straw colored hair, who she assumed was Sam Archer and then her heart skipped a beat as his equally gorgeous brother walked in, she wasn’t sure of his name, he was a more athletic build, and an inch or two shorter than Sam with shorter darker blonde hair and he was nearer her age, but he walked in less confidently than his younger brother with his eyes fixed on the floor, and they were all followed in by the gentle giant George Wood.


After introductions were made a period of general chitchat followed for about half an hour until Molly announced that lunch was served.

Molly had the buffet table set up in the dining room and once they had filed in and helped themselves, they could settle on any one of the many sofas in the reception rooms or conservatory.

As luck would have it for Arielle, she ended up sitting next to who she now knew to be Harry Archer, or maybe it was divine intervention, but he was a very shy man and she had to make all the running, conversation wise.

“Molly was showing me the snow globes that you made, they’re very lovely” she said. 

“Well Sam’s the creative artistic guy, I’m more the hands on, practical one.” Harry said, Arielle liked the sound of “Hands on.” And felt herself blush.

Harry noticed her colour up and it seemed to relax him strangely, making a vicar blush, even if he didn’t know why, but he went on to explain the process at length, which she seemed interested in, but after that they found more common ground, classic movies. 

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