Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (164) Christmas Activities


Danny Nightingale treated himself to an extra close shave, much closer than usual in order to accommodate the Santa beard, as a result when he applied the aftershave it stung like hell.

So he arrived at the school sweet smelling and red-faced at about 11.00am with an unenthused Molly Barrington in tow, and found the Reverend Archer fussing around like a mother hen, uncharacteristically wanting things just so, Danny wasn’t sure why, it was after all just a village school bazaar, when he told her to calm down Arielle snapped

“We’re making Christmas memories”


Molly and Danny went into the Headteachers office to get changed and when they were both in their costumes Molly said

“I can’t believe you volunteered me for this”

“You look gorgeous” he said

“Flattery will get you nowhere” she retorted

“Unless we can keep the costumes until tomorrow”

“You dirty little Elf” Danny rebuked

“I wish I’d thought of it”   


Warren Bramble worked for Frank Swift’s Veterinary practice in St Pierre and as there were only 4 staff there weren’t enough of them to have a Christmas Party between them so they, like many small businesses or groups of friends, they bought a table at one of the Christmas Party Event’s held at the Beaumont Manor Hotel, and they were popular parties and always sold out.


He began the day in high spirits but as the day went on self-doubt crept in so as Warren Bramble stood at his bathroom sink to shave, he looked at his reflection and suddenly thought, Sarah Terrell was out of his league, he always thought himself “ok looking”, but she was gorgeous.

However, despite his self-doubt he shaved and showered and got into his best suit.


Warren wasn’t the only one riddled with self-doubt, Sarah Terrell, was also questioning the wisdom of agreeing to go on a date with a good looking well educated Professional man when she was just a gardener who hadn’t even stayed at school long enough to do her A levels, even with her hair done and nails painted she didn’t think she would hold his attention for long.

When Sarah walked into the lounge wearing her best cocktail dress Ava said

“You look gorgeous”

“Do you think so?” she asked

“Absolutely” Ava replied

“What if he doesn’t like me?”

“But he does” Ava replied “He wouldn’t have asked you if he didn’t”

“He asked me because of how I look” she explained “What about when he realizes I’m dumb”

“You’re not dumb” Ava retorted

“I’m dumber than him” she said forlornly


What Sarah wasn’t aware of was that Warren wasn’t concerned about Sarah’s intellect, in fact he hadn’t given it a second thought, he was more worried about boring her.


On Saturday evening Warren drove to Terrell’s Acre’s in Spaniards Creek, Terrell’s Acre’s was a Small Holding on the outskirts of the village and had been in the Terrell family for a hundred years and was now owned by 32-year-old Sarah Terrell and her widowed younger sister Ava Adderley.

He parked the car and knocked on the front door and when she appeared they said together


And the moment they made eye contact all their previous doubts melted away.

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