Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (162) Costume Fittings


On Friday Danny Nightingale returned to the village hall, accompanied by Molly, who was only there to mock him, but before they could get in the door the Vicar came bursting out of it. 

“It’s a disaster” the Vicar blurted out “Brian has appendicitis”

“Oh no” Molly said, “is he ok?”

“What?” Arielle said as if confused by the question

“Brian” she clarified “is he ok?”

“Oh shit,” the Vicar exclaimed, “I never thought to ask”

“So, what’s the disaster then?” Danny enquired

“Brian is the main Elf to your Santa,” she explained

“So what’s the problem?” Danny asked, “Can’t we find someone to fill his shoes?”

“It’s not his shoes that are the problem” Arielle explained and detailed the dimensions of the stricken Elf

“We can’t get anyone else with their own costume at this late stage”

“Oh” he said unhelpfully, he went to speak but she was in full flow and cut him off

“No! we can’t hire a costume they’re all gone, and if we put one of the volunteers in Brian’s costume, they will just look ridiculous”

Then Danny cast his gaze on Molly and Arielle did the same and repeated the dimensions

“No” Molly exclaimed “Absolutely not”

“Sorted” Danny said and Arielle gave her an appraising look and declared

“You’re perfect”

“Hardly” Danny retorted, and Molly punched him

“Come on then Molly, the costume is through here” said Arielle and she led her away to the waiting ladies.

“Thank you, God,” she said looking to the heavens and crossing herself “and thank you Danny” and Arielle kissed his cheek before going off to belatedly enquire about Brian’s state of health.

Danny followed her into the hall and the ladies swarmed around him like they were preparing Cinderella for the ball, and after the ladies had done their thing, he and Molly returned home.

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