Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (028) Christmas Snow


At the same time the first flakes of snow began to fall Danny got a call from his brother Sam saying that his flight was going to be late and that they wouldn’t get to Pipershaven until midday the next day; after hanging up, he checked the weather forecast and immediately went online, then he went and told Molly that the visitors were delayed.


When they woke up on Christmas Eve it was snowing heavily and was still falling steadily when George arrived at the cottage just in time for lunch.

He was there to be on hand to get everyone settled in with their luggage, getting lunch was just a bonus.

As they were finishing their drinks George got a text from a friend at the port and Danny got another call from his brother.

“How are you doing?”

“Oh, that’s not good.”

George then showed him the text message.

“Well, it’s worse than that, they’ve just closed the port” he said.

And paused for the response.

“I’ve booked a suite for you at the Mablethorpe Spa Hotel, just carry on down the Expressway, and get off at the junction before the Pipershaven” he said.

“Ok just take it steady, lets Facetime when you’re settled in, bye Sam.”

“What’s wrong? Are they alright?” Molly asked with concern.

“They’re fine” he replied, and she looked relieved “It’s just that the snow is worse on the Finchbottom Vale than it is here, at the moment.”

“When did you reserve them a suite?” she asked.

“Yesterday after I checked the weather forecast” he replied.

“Well done” she said and kissed him.

“So, if you don’t need me anymore, I’ll get off” George said.

“Ok George thank you” Molly said.

“How did you get here today?” Danny asked.

“I walked”

“Take the Landrover” he insisted.

“I don’t mind walking” he said.

“No, we don’t want any yeti sightings on the island” Danny said and laughed.

“And you’ve got to take this with you as well” Molly said and gave him a Christmas giftbag full of presents.

“And that’s why I like Molly more than you” he said, “She gives me presents, all I get from you are Yeti slurs.”

They were all laughing as they hugged goodbye and then wished each other Happy Christmas.


In light of the change of plans Molly, spent an hour or so to Facetime with her “friends” from Lakeside and when she had finished, she sheepishly sidled up to Danny and asked.

“With your family stranded on the mainland, what happens to Christmas?”

“It means we will have the family Christmas when they make it to the island” He replied.

“Oh yes, I see” she said quietly.

“In the meantime, we get to have another Christmas on our own” Danny continued

“Christmas dinner and everything, just the two of us?” she asked.


“Oh wicked” Molly exclaimed happily.

“That meets with your approval then?”

“Yes” she admitted “Sorry, but I really wanted us to spend our first Christmas Day together, just the two of us.”

“Why didn’t you say something before?” he asked, “We could have arranged Sam’s trip for another time, but I thought you were happy about it, it was your idea.”

“I know but we weren’t a couple at the time” she said, “You hadn’t seduced me at that point.”

“I don’t remember seducing you” he said, “I remember you snogging me without provocation.” 

“You passively seduced me” she insisted and giggled, and he put his arm around her, and they watched James Stewart and Donna Reed in

“It’s a Wonderful Life”“.

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