Thursday 12 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (171) Ava and Max


At Terrell’s Acre’s down in Spaniards Creek 30-year-old widow Ava Adderley was on notice from her sister Sarah to allow herself to be courted again, after spending too long in virtual “widows weeds”.

Ava was the younger sister at thirty and the tallest at 5ft 8, but she was also the least confident, and was oblivious to how attractive she was, with her willowy figure and long brown hair.

Unlike her sibling she was painfully shy, and was a quiet studious girl, who never went out, preferring to immerse herself in books, in fact she only ever left the home for deliveries and Church, and she hadn’t left the island since her husband died.

She had attracted the attention of Courier Driver Max Dickinson who was a regular visitor to the Acre’s picking up packages of plants and seeds for delivery.

He had asked Ava out a number of times and she had always said no, but Sarah insisted

“The next time he asks you out, say yes”

The problem was since she had resolved to follow her sister’s advice, he hadn’t asked her again.

So when he called for the parcels on Friday afternoon, she acted completely out of character by taking the initiative and when he knocked on the door, she greeted him by standing in the doorway brandishing a sprig of mistletoe above her head.

Her boldness took him completely by surprise, so he stuttered, blushed and basically ignored her as her brushed past her and went to find the packages.

“Merry sodding Christmas” she exclaimed and threw the mistletoe across the room.


Ava slammed the door and went to find Sarah and was on the verge of tears when she found her

“What’s happened?”

Sarah asked and Ava blurted out the full story out of her.

“He ignored you?” Sarah asked


“But he’s crazy about you” Sarah said

“Not so much apparently” Ava said


When she left her, Sarah went in search of Max and when she tracked him down, she read him the riot act.

“I thought you liked her”

“I do”

“So why did you ignore her?” Sarah asked

“I panicked” he admitted “She took me by surprise”

“You’re an idiot” Sarah rebuked him

“I know” he said and after a minute or two Sarah asked

“Do you want her or not?”

“More than anything” he admitted

“Then come with me” She ordered and took him to the poly tunnel she was working in, where Ava was watering, then she gestured to him with her head to go in.

He walked in and after a moment he said

“I came to apologize”

He saw her bristle at his words and then she replied

“I’m not bothered”

“But I am” he said 

“I don’t care” she insisted


Max walked back out of the tunnel and was immediately confronted by Sarah

“What are you doing out here you idiot?”

“I said I was sorry, but she said she didn’t care” he replied

“You have a lot to learn about women” she said shaking her head and thrust a sprig of mistletoe into his hand

“Now get back in there and kiss her”

“But…” Max protested

“Do you like her or not?” she asked

“Well yes” he replied

“Then get back in there” Sarah instructed “trust me”


Max pushed open the door and walked in

“You don’t have to apologize again” she snapped “I really don’t care”

“I’m not here to apologize” he said, and he held up the mistletoe and then his voice cracked as he said

“I’ve come for a kiss”

“A what?” she asked and turned around “Oh”

And then he stepped towards her and when they stood facing each other, there was a moment of hesitation but then Max kissed her, and it was a perfect kiss that brought all the feelings that she had been suppressing bubbling to the surface and Max felt the love that filled her generous heart spill out from her every pore and gratefully gathered it up and wrapped her in his everlasting love.


Molly and Danny arrived back on the island with their Christmas shopping mid-afternoon which gave them plenty of time to freshen up before walking to St Clara’s for the Christingle.


All three main Churches on the island where holding their Christingle Service’s on Friday evening.

Christingle has become ingrained in Anglican worship though it has its origins in Eastern Europe and the Christingle Service is a Service of candle lights, where very many years ago people gathered in the street, sang carols and collected gifts to help the less fortunate in the community.

It is a beautiful candle lit service of hymns, carols, recitations and bible readings, but Christingle goes beyond a candlelight service, and it tells a story.

A story is told with the symbolic use of the following items:
An orange representing the world.
A red ribbon tied around the orange to symbolize the blood of Jesus shed for his people.
Toothpicks decorated with dried fruits and sweets are placed at the four corners of the orange representing all the people of the world.
A lighted candle in the centre of the orange represents the gift of the light of Christ to the world.

Firstly the children make the Christingle lights in Sunday school, and then they carry them proudly in procession into the church where they are lit for the service.

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