Sunday 22 September 2024



Molly Bishop (Eden Broda) could have taken the easy option and got a senior position in her fathers (Howard Hoover) company but instead chose to go her own way, as a result she is struggling as a waitress while looking for an entry level job in marketing and her car is in the garage.

One of the regulars at the cafe, Aiden Ford (Zach Smadu), has a soft spot for her and wants to help her out but Molly is too proud to accept help, and gets an interview with Mike Ward (Shane Marriott).

Cameron (Steffi DiDomenicantonio), her friend at the cafe, thinks she should accept Aiden’s help, but she is adamant.

Aiden doesn’t give up though and they get to know each other, but to complicate things, Aiden and Mike are best friends.

Then friendship turns to love so should he intervene or let Molly get the job on her own merits?

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