Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (157) First Sunday of Advent



Cheryl Mackender’s first undertaking as the temporary Vicar of St Joan of Arc came the day after Reverend Mathew Lines accident and that was Advent, so she had to hit the ground running.


The First Sunday of Advent or Advent Sunday, also called First Advent Sunday, among the Western Christian Churches, is the first day of the liturgical year and the start of the season of Advent.

On the First Sunday of Advent, Christians start lighting their Advent wreaths, and the Church light the first Advent Candle in the worship service.

Although it was always marked within the Christian family the three main Churches all did things slightly differently.

St Pierre gave particular importance on praying their Advent daily devotionals; whereas St Clara’s focused on decorating the church and St Joan of Arc practised a custom that is done liturgically through a hanging of the green’s ceremony.


Cheryl was understandably feeling the pressure because it was the first occasion that she was “on her own” without the Vicar to back her up, and the eyes of the parish were on her.

Fortunately the power had been restored on Saturday Evening, so they were able to run the heating on full all night to make the church a more hospitable place.


Apart from God she was able to take strength from two other things, Verger Lee Barnaby, and a letter she had received from the Vicar, hand delivered to her by Nurse and parishioner Elke Offord, expressing his belief in her.

She also had an encouraging text from Reverend Archer of St Clara’s, so she was emboldened as she greeted the faithful.


Conrad slept late and missed Church, but he received a text inviting him out for lunch on Sunday, but he was feeling a little under the weather so decided to spend the day in bed, alone with his thoughts, so declined the invitation for lunch at the pub and stayed home.

When he did get up his right knee wouldn’t bear his weight, so he took some pills applied some deep heat and went back to bed.


Cheryl’s debut as Vicar of St Joan of Arc was a great success and she was greatly relieved, and quietly celebrated her triumph with a glass of Pinot in the vestry with the verger.

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