Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (160) Saint Nicholas Day


Wednesday was St Nicholas Day, also called the Feast of Saint Nicholas, is typically celebrated on December 6, the anniversary of Saint Nicholas of Myra’s death (December 6, 343 AD), those who celebrate the holiday leave a shoe out on the night of December 5 in the hope of finding chocolate coins, nuts or an orange tucked in it the next morning.

This is a tradition Sepp Lohr and his partner Peta Hoffman were brought with in Germany and now they were living on Beaumont Island they were keeping up the tradition alive in their new homeland with their son Sebastian.


Danny had been persuaded to play Santa at the village school Christmas Bazaar and as his predecessor was a bigger man then he was, some adjustment to the suit and the padding was necessary.

So, the Vicar and a small team of ladies were on hand to affect alterations, well the team of ladies obviously did the work and Arielle looked on with a worried frown.

Danny tried on the suit and measurements were taken by women muttering to one another with their mouths full of pins.

It was agreed it would be ready by Friday without fail and he returned home to more teasing from Molly.


Conrad Watts’s leg wasn’t much better by Wednesday so he decided to phone the Doctor to make an appointment, but he couldn’t get one until Friday.

But they suggested he go to Bellevue as a walk in, if he needed to see someone sooner.

So, he retrieved his old walking stick from the back of the wardrobe to assist him on his walk to the bus stop.


He didn’t have an appointment, so he booked in at reception and was pleasantly surprised to see that there weren’t many other patients waiting, which he thought surprising considering that there was still snow and ice on the ground.


After about two hours his name was called and he was delighted to see it was Elke Offord, she was the nurse who was on duty when he was rushed into hospital after being injured aboard his boat in rough weather, which in turn led to an operation.

He smiled at her but she turned away from him and went towards the cubicles so he hobbled after her as fast as he could.


When he caught up with her, he was a little surprised to find her somewhat standoffish and not the warm and flirty Nurse he remembered.

It was the first time he’d seen her professionally since he was discharged, although they did run into each other on the previous New Year’s Eve, so he tried some light conversation, but she was completely unresponsive, and when she spoke it was flat and emotionless and when she smiled it was clearly forced.

After examining the knee, she said

“I think you need a cortisone injection; I’ll speak with the Doctor”

And then she was gone.


When she returned, she was accompanied by a Doctor Woodward, who he had never seen before, who was Chief of Medicine, according to the badge displayed on her ample chest.

She was much warmer and chattier than Nurse Offord, and soon got the job done. 

After she had administered the injection, which hurt like hell, he put his trousers back on.

“You will need to rest it,” she instructed, “so stay off your feet and definitely no work”

“But I need to take the boat out at the weekend” he said

“I certainly wouldn’t recommend that” the Doctor said “Rest is what you need”


“Are you ok” he asked Elke with concern, After the doctor had gone

“You don’t seem yourself”

“I’m fine” she replied flatly “it’s just been a long day”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, yes” she said impatiently and forced another smile before leaving the cubicle.

She returned about 10 minutes later with a prescription

“Take these as directed” she said and turned on her heels

“Ok” he said “bye then nurse”


Conrad stopped at the pharmacy on the way home and picked up his painkillers and on that journey home he replayed the interaction with Elke in his head.

He concluded that it was obvious that everything was not ok with Elke, but he was at a loss to know what was amiss, and if he didn’t know what the problem was, he wouldn’t be able to fix it.

He really liked her and was actually going to ask her out a year earlier, but he lost his bottle at the crucial moment when they ran into each other on New Years Eve. 

But he didn’t know what had happened since then, what he did know was that his knee hurt as much on the walk home as it did on the one to the Hospital.

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