Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (022) The Christmas Sojourn

Cuddling in the afterglow after some very vigorous lovemaking in her room, Danny suddenly said  

“Where are the Decorations?”

“What Decorations?”

“The Christmas Decorations from Lakeside” Danny said.

“They’re in my wardrobe.” She said and got out of bed and slipped on her robe and went to the wardrobe and returned with a shoebox.

“Here they are.”

“Is that all of them?” Danny asked.

“Yes, why?”

“It’s not a lot, is it?”

“What do you mean?” asked Molly.

“Where are the garlands, the bells, the stars?” he asked.

“We never had any of those” she confessed.

“Right, we’re going to my flat tomorrow to get all my decs.”

“Why tomorrow? We’ve got weeks to go before we need them”. Molly said.

“What do you mean weeks, when do you put yours up then?”

“We decorate the tree the day before Christmas Eve.”

“Nothing until the 23rd?”

“Well, we put wreaths, and Advent calendars up at the beginning of the month obviously” she explained.

“But Grandfather didn’t like too many decorations.”

“Well Avery can’t spoil the fun anymore” Danny said,

“So tomorrow morning I’m going to take you to the mainland, and we will bring Christmas back with us.”

Danny would accept no argument and they set off first thing the next morning so they could catch the first ferry from St Pierre.


Once they left the ferry, they drove straight to his flat in Applesford stopping only for coffee.

“Why is your flat always so tidy?” she asked.

“I have a cleaner come in once a month” he confessed.

“We need to get one of those” she said, “It would leave us more time for canoodling.”

“I thought we did quite well on the canoodling front” he said.

“There’s always room for another canoodle” Molly said and kissed him seductively.


After Molly had contented herself to their mutual satisfaction they returned to the lounge and Danny went to a cupboard and returned carrying two large boxes.

He put one on the floor in front of Molly and the other in front of him and they opened them simultaneously.

“When did you last put these up” Molly asked.

“4 years ago, I’ve been away every Christmas since” he said, “These are all looking a bit tired aren’t they”.

They only had a small pile of items put aside that they both liked well enough to take back to the island with them.

“We’re going to have to go to Emmaline’s.” Danny explained.

“What’s Emmaline’s?” 

Emmaline’s Christmas Emporium” he replied.

“It’s an all year-round Christmas store, in Sharpington?”

“In Sharpington?”


“Oh, I like Sharpington” Molly said excitedly.

“We’ll stay the night at the Seaview” he suggested.

“Or two” she added “Can we stay here tonight though?”

“Sure, we’ll have to order takeaway though, I’ve got no food in.”

“Ooh can we have pizza?”


The next morning, they drove to Sharpington through torrential rain, but the sun was shining, albeit hazily, when they reached the coast.

After checking into their rooms, they walked along the promenade to the parade of shops and next to Doily’s Bookshop was Emmaline’s Christmas Emporium.

“Wow!” Molly exclaimed as they walked through the doors, and her eyes were like saucers.

Once inside Molly was like a child in a sweetshop at the end of rationing.

She didn’t know where to look first, Danny had to rein her in a number of times otherwise she would have bought the whole shop.

Nonetheless they probably bought far more than they really needed when they left the shop by mid-afternoon.

To save having to take everything back to the Hotel they arranged to pick it up the next day on their way home.

“I’m starving” she said.

“What do you fancy?” Danny asked.

“A burger will do to fill the gap” Molly replied.

“Ok there’s a good burger place round the corner.” He said and took her hand.

When he looked through the steamy windows Danny saw a familiar face, Sam Archer, the guy who made the snow globe for Molly’s Birthday, sitting at one of the tables, which was a surprise.

He pushed open the door and let Molly go ahead of him but took hold of her arm as he said.

“Hi Sam.”

“Oh, hello Mr Nigh….”

Danny cut him short by saying.

“This is Molly”

Then to Molly he added.

“It’s Sam who made your snow globe.”

“Really?” she asked and shook his hand “I’m so pleased to meet you.”

“Were you happy with it?” he asked.

“I absolutely love it; you are so clever” she said gushingly.

“Thank you, but I can’t take all the credit.”


“It’s me and my brother Harry.”

“Well, I look forward to meeting him, and it was lovely to meet you, but I need to spend a penny.”

She said and rushed off.

“Have you heard from Nikki yet?” Danny asked.

As part of her art Nikki often flew her drone above the landscape to film inaccessible places, and wildlife, she used it originally to assist them to locate strayed sheep, but the art side was a bonus.

So, Danny asked her to film Cliff Haven from every conceivable angle, without Molly realizing.

“Yes, she emailed it to me today,” Sam replied, “I’ll let you know when it’s done.”

“Great, it was good to see you again mate” he said and shook his hand and then went to join Molly who had just emerged from the loo and was looking at the menu behind the counter.


They didn’t stay a second night because the rains returned overnight with a vengeance, so the next day they collected the boxes from Emmaline’s and took a slow drive back to Pipershaven, where they had to check into the Mablethorpe Spa Hotel because the ferries were cancelled.

They got back to the Island on St Andrews Day, following an extremely uncomfortable crossing, and had a very lazy day watching trashy Television.

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