Sunday 8 September 2024

The Islands in the Bay – Chapter (038) New Years Eve


New Years Eve was a very relaxed affair at Beacon Farm, once the animals were tended to, and the evening began with homemade pizza.

There were six of them for pizza, Katie Harrison, her daughter Nikki, the Archer brothers, the gentle giant George Wood, and shepherdess, Hazel Stock.

The pizza was excellent, washed down with a liberal quantity of wine, apart from Hazel who didn’t drink.

As the evening wore on the Trivial Pursuit appeared to universal acclaim, and they split up into three teams, the Harrison’s, the Archer’s, and George and Hazel, the latter naming themselves Woodstock to a chorus of laughter.

After about two hours, and with Harrison’s winning, Nikki fell asleep on the sofa beside Sam and took no further part, which left Katie at a distinct disadvantage because Nikki had been answering most of the questions.

Just after midnight Hazel called it a day and went off to her bed leaving all three teams needing only one cheese, and that was how it remained at 2 o’clock.

“I think we had better declare it a draw” George said.

“Good idea” Sam said, “Honour’s even.”

“Happy days” Katie slurred and took a drink, most of which went down her chin.

“Now it’s bedtime” she said wiping her mouth on her sleeve.


It was a very different New Years Eve at Cliff Haven, where Molly and Danny spent much of the day preparing the food for the Buffet Lunch on the next day, while his brother Sam, took his wife Emma, and their three boys, on a long yomp up to Beacon Rock to give Molly some space to get on and to wear the boys out. 

It was called Beacon Rock, because a beacon was built on the rock to warn of the impending arrival of the Spanish Armada, but it was never lit, due to the fact, that the weather was so bad that the sentry’s couldn’t see past the end of the island let alone a fleet of ships

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