Wednesday 2 March 2022



The Holiday jewellery store has been in their family for decades and is run by Robert Holiday (Phillip Edward Van Lear) and his children Jade (Chaley Rose) and RJ (Lucien Cambric) but since the death of wife and mother Jewel the store has been struggling and if they don’t have a good Christmas the store will not reopen in the New Year.

As if sent by providence Devin (Tobias Truvillion) appears in the store one day, a knowledgeable and confidence character who is given the sales assistant position.

What they don’t know is that Devin is a thief and was sent by local crime lord, Poncho (Simeon Henderson) as a prelude to robbing the store.

Poncho also ensures RJ is compromises so he can use his hacking skills to disable the alarms and gain access to the customer’s credit card details.

But Devin is trying to escape his criminal past and has hopes of having a crime free life with Jade.

So, the question is can he turn the tables on Poncho, save the store and get the girl?

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