Christmas Manger is the story of an elderly rancher called Chap (Steve J. Young) who grapples with the loss of his wife and the loneliness that accompanies it.
is exacerbated because his daughter Laura (Tara Reid) is a Lawyer who lives and
works in New York which allows him to isolate himself from his friends and neighbours.
is until his estranged foster child Jessica (Andrea Logan White) re-enters his life
with her two children, Spenser and Cassidy (Graham Schneider and Taylor
Bedford), after leaving her abusive partner Eddie (Alexander Kane).
not initially welcome Chap has to concede to them staying until the New Year
following a fall and this time facilitates the rekindling of an old romance between
Jessica and old flame Tyler (Randy Wayne) and for Cassidy to get into her Grandpa’s
heart, giving him a new purpose to live and so Rancher, foster family and the
town come together for a wonderful Christmas.