“A Christmas Solo” is set in a small town where two single parents, Vet Jennifer (Kelli Williams), who is new in town, and bespoke furniture maker, Nate (Jonathan Scarfe), stumble into the possibility of love for Christmas, only to discover that their daughters Charlotte and Melissa (Pippa Mackie and Kayla Wallace) are embroiled in a rivalry at school as they compete for the Christmas Solo at the Christmas Festival.
When the rivalry gets out of control and Charlotte is on the wrong end
of some nasty prank’s things come to a head and the parents and the school get
involved, but will that lead everyone to a peaceful and merry Christmas?
An enjoyable tale of teenage angst and mature courtship, beautiful
music and perfect friendships.
Alistair Abell stars
as Nates brother, Pete, Ricky He and Naika Toussaint as Charlotte’s friends Henry
and Audrey, and Natalie von Rotsburg as music teacher Ms. Baxter.