Struggling singing waitress and mother Audrey Turner (Jackie Seiden) and wealthy music executive Julia Samson (Ashley Wood) are both at the same mall and in the same store.
Audrey is cursed with not being able to say no to anyone and as a
result has no time for herself.
Julia's life on the other hand is full of luxury, but because of her career
she is unable to connect with her family.
In the store they both reach for the same decoration and make a wish
that their lives were different and the next morning they wake up in each
other’s beds, each other's lives, and in each other’s bodies.
After freaking out they meet up and try to figure out how they swapped
and more importantly how they can swap back.
It turns out that the only way is to live each other’s lives and learn
how to put things right.
As Christmas looms close, they help each other switch back before they
miss Christmas with their own families.