The news that Lucy Toomey (Tatyana Ali) is to be made partner at her
New York Corporate law firm in the New Year after years of working long hours
and sacrificing her social life is tempered by the sudden death of her older sister
Alice with Christmas fast approaching.
Alice was left with some special needs after suffering head injuries
in an automobile accident when she was 20 years old, injuries that Lucy felt
guilty about because she was the reason Alice was driving that night.
Which is the reason she didn’t get back to Wisconsin very often
although Lucy looked after Alice financially.
But after Alice passed away Lucy had to return home to Nilson's Bay
for the funeral and to handle her estate, which she was dreading, and was also
regretting the fact that she was too busy to take her sister's final call.
Once back in Nilson's Bay, she is reunited with her old high school
sweetheart Peter (Dondré T. Whitfield) who also happened to be Alice's Lawyer
who details the terms of her sister’s eccentric will that stated in no
uncertain terms that for Lucy to inherit the family home, she must live there
for 30 days which meant she would need to be there throughout the holidays.
The thought of spending a month in her old hometown drives her to
distraction but once she accepted there was no alternative the experience was
quite profound.
She discovered that her sister hadn’t suffered as a result of her
accident in the way Lucy thought she had, on the contrary she had a full life
and was universally loved and had more friends than Lucy, she even had a
Peter was by Lucy’s side during all the revelations and helped her
forgive herself for the past and open her heart for the future.