Sydney Larkin (Erin Cahill) is a Chicago-based freelance journalist and single mother of eight-year-old Oliver (Jaden Oehr) who struggles with the work life balance even with the help of her mum Lauren (Jaclyn Smith).
She really wants a permanent position, but there is only one opening
and she is up against a more cutthroat reporter, Andy Cooper (Hamza Fouad).
Her editor, Perry (Catherine Lough Haggquist), questions Sydney's
choice of humanistic stories rather than hard hitting news, ratings grabbers.
Unperturbed Sydney pursues the story about the Secret Santa, who has
been performing grand and sometimes elaborate gestures of Christmas cheer, each
one unannounced and the only clue to the
perpetrator’s identity being the calling cards left at each event bearing the
words "Secret Santa".
At one impromptu event she believes she has stumbled upon the man
himself in the back of a van, though he ultimately identifies himself as another
freelance reporter, Cole Howard (Kevin McGarry).
After some discussion they decide to join forces to try and decern any
kind of pattern to the events, and over the festive period as each new act is
revealed a closeness forms between them, but is there more to the story?