Jay Leno narrates the animated musical tale “Christmas Is Here Again” which follows the exciting journey of a young orphan girl, Sophianna, and her unlikely band of adventurers, a feisty elf (Paul Rocco), an ambitious young reindeer (Dart), and a fox and polar bear duo (Buster and Charlee) they meet along the way as they search for the secret coal mine of Krad, who stole Santa's magical toy sack.
Throughout her pursuit
for the elusive sack, the young heroine Sophianna, and her allies each discover
their potential for compassion, loyalty and the importance of never losing
The film is enhanced
by the vocal talent of Edward Asner (Krad), Kathy Bates (Miss Dowdy), Colin Ford (Dart), Brad Garrett (Charlee),
Shirley Jones (Victoria Claus), Norm MacDonald (Buster), Daniel Roebuck (Paul
Rocco / Jacque), Andy Griffith (Santa Claus), and Madison Davenport