Tuesday 23 February 2021



It's Christmas break and the sorority sisters are making plans for the upcoming holiday, but their Christmas spirit is diminished by strange anonymous phone calls, before one of the sisters, Clare, disappears. But when they report it to the police their concerns are dismissed.

While all this is going on another Sister Jess (Olivia Hussey) is planning to get an abortion much against the wishes of her boyfriend Peter played by Keir Dullea.

Could he possibly be behind the crank calls and the disappearance?

The police finally share the girls concerns when a 13-year-old girl is found dead in the park and they wiretap the sorority house.

The tension is palpable as you wait to see if the girls will outlast the killer.

But Margot Kidder who plays the Barb, the drunken sister with the inappropriate turn of phrase, steals the show in this enjoyable if unconventional Christmas tale.


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