Sunday 7 February 2021



No Christmas would be complete with watching Frank Capra’s 1946 classic “It’s A Wonderful Life”.

It was not a success at the box office at the time, but it is now one of the most popular and heartwarming films ever made.

A typical performance by the ever-dependable James Stewart is supported by the beautiful Donna Reed and playing the grasping villain of the piece Lionel Barrymore.

The film is a slightly dark almost bittersweet tale of a savings and loan manager, and a bit an Earnest do-gooder George Bailey (James Stewart) who struggles against a greedy banker and his own self-doubting nature in a small town.

After suffering a financial catastrophe, he sees suicide as a possible solution to his predicament only to be rescued by a whimsical, endearing, trainee-angel named Clarence (Henry Travers).

Bailey after years of feeling trapped in a small town finally recognizes his life as wonderful and truly rich.

It’s definitely not the kind of film that would be made today as nobody writes happy endings anymore.

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