Sunday 12 December 2021



The teenage Holton brothers live with their divorced mother, Denise (Stacy Edwards), in a rural town.

Ryan (Robert Clark) is the older brother, who hates the rural life and makes no secret of the fact and wants to go and live with their father, in Chicago.

The shy young Charlie (Gavin Fink) doesn’t understand his attitude, he is happy there even though he gets victimised by the bigger school kids'.

One day on the way home from school he finds two reindeer, one is dead who he believes to be one of Santa's team called Prancer, the other one is younger and Charlie thinks he is his son and heir, also called Prancer which he tries to hide at home and Ryan helps him which brings the brothers closer along the way.

Charlie believes that his Prancer is “the” Prancer from the towns’ legend and will take off and join Santa on Christmas Eve.

Unfortunately when Prancer gets out he bites evil vice-principal James Klock (Michael O'Keefe) and he wants the danger to the public put down.

But a rescue operation is mounted and then Charlie runs away with his protégé to the woods,

His mother Denise is unable to cope, but thankfully her ex-boyfriend, handyman Tom Sullivan (John Corbett), comes to the youngster's rescue in this engaging family film.

Watch out for the wonderful Jack Palance as Old Man Richards.

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