Tuesday 14 December 2021



Emotionally frigid, workaholic attorney Kate Jordan (Jen Lilley) reluctantly accepts an end-of-the-year assignment to get a reputedly haunted inn and has three weeks to get it appraised and sold by year's end.

When she gets there the uncooperative manager claims a spirit who lives there will not approve, but with Kate's possible promotion resting on accomplishing this task, she checks in and as a result she meets Daniel (Thomas Beaudoin) the resident ghost who she thinks looks suspiciously solid for a ghost.

Then he explains that for the past ninety-five years, he inexplicably returns to life each December during the twelve days of Christmas.

Kate has only one logical recourse left open to her for their mutual benefit, and that is to break the curse that binds him to the Inn, but she starts falling for the man who is almost a century her senior which was very much not in her plans, but then it is Christmas.

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