Wednesday 13 April 2022


When his partner in crime Harry Zordich (David Parker) messes up a department store robbery in December fellow Career criminal Jack Clayton (Tony Danza) can only escape the law in a Santa suit.

He ends up in a small rural town, and he finds himself forced to accept a menial job under the alias “Oscar Burton” as Santa in Sarah Gibson's nursery.

Sarah (Lea Thompson) is a tough task master but Jack is invited into her home and proves a good substitute father for Sarah's frustrated fatherless daughter Noelle (Angela Goethals).

The big question is will he content himself with small town life or will he return to his life of crime,  when his ex-con friend Harry turns up to plan a bank robbery

It’s an enjoyable Christmas movie made that way in no small part by the wonderful Betty White as Widow Emily Sutton whose nostalgic Christmas shop plays a crucial part in the story.

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