During a Church Nativity performance two young girls, Sarah and Kate (Cassady Jane Lorentzen and Lorelai Green) are performing a dance duet when Sarah trips and falls over a mic lead which was carelessly left on stage by her brother Sherman (Brady Amaya).
The resulting trauma from being humiliated on stage in front of the
whole Church community meant that for the adult Sarah (Kristen Vaganos),
Christmas was not her favourite time of year.
She also found any excuse not to go home for the Holidays, despite the
best efforts of her Pastor brother Sherman (Miles Faber).
However, it was on one occasion when they were on the phone and he was
trying to persuade her to come home that he had a car accident and the line
went dead.
She was in such a panic that she dropped everything and returned home.
Fortunately, he was not seriously injured, but having got her there
the family contrived to keep her there, and with the help of Jason (Carson
Nicely) she is taught to bury the past and learns the Christmas Dance along the way.