Tuesday 17 May 2022



The Christmas Cabin is a holiday romantic comedy, and a week before Christmas, big city workaholic Seth Walker (Chad Michael Collins) inherits some land and property, including a half share in the cabin in question.

Wanting to get things settled before the end of the year he sets off to survey the mountain property with a view to making an offer to buy out the co-owners.

Unfamiliar and unprepared for the terrain and the snow he stumbles upon the Cabin where he finds Sammi Whetly

(Peyton McDavitt) spending a cosy, quiet Christmas alone at her family's cabin.

At first Sammi is reluctant to let a stranger in but because of the freezing temperature she finally takes pity on him, but instantly regrets her decision when she finds out that he has a claim on half the property.

However when a blizzard traps them inside Sammi chooses to make the best of the situation and the ice begins to thaw between them and after a few days when the weather clears, they view each other in a very different light.

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