Wednesday 11 May 2022



In the Texas town of Canaan, Daniel Burton (Billy Ray Cyrus) finds that his son Bobber (Liam James) needs extensive orthopaedic surgery and months of intensive physical therapy to recover as a result of being run down by a car.

Fortunately help is at hand in the form of Rodney Freeman (Matt Ward), the young black man who Daniel took into his home and raised as his own son, who has become a famous writer and he immediately offers to fly Daniel and Bobber to San Francisco and to pay for the surgery.

Once in San Francisco, Daniel meets and falls for Briony Adair (Gina Holden), a physical rehabilitation specialist who will be working toward Bobber's recovery but when the therapy progresses slowly, Bobber invites Briony to come home to Canaan to spend Christmas with the Burtons and continue his treatment.

Briony accepts the offer and is welcomed by the family all except Sarah (Emily Tennant), Daniel's daughter who distances herself because she doesn’t want to dishonour her late mother's memory.

But Daniel and Briony try to rise above it but a disastrous Christmas ensues and drives them apart.

So in the soul searching that follows, will Daniel find the strength to open his heart again and invite love back into his life or will he settle for the status quo.

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