Famous talk show host, Hailee Anderson (AnnaLynne McCord), is preparing for her Christmas special when she finds out, live on air, that her real-estate fiancé Jason Keppler (Drew Scott) is cheating on her.
order to clear her mind and shake her anger, she goes for a drive but ends up
crashing through a fence in Carver Bend, Connecticut, which belongs to Judge
Joe Morris (Frank Moore).
Judge sentences her to do community service, which is with her rescuer Beck
Thomas (Jefferson Brown), who is building a float for the town's annual
Christmas Parade, the ultimate goal being to save the Carver Bend arts centre.
In the beginning Hailee is a scrooge, but she soon bonds with the kids, Beck’s mother Wendy (Chapelle Jaffe) and the locals in general, and grows close to Beck, and comes up with a plan to make everyone happy, including herself.