Struggling toy designer Nathan Whitehaven (Yves Bright) is separated from his wife Janice (Carrie Schroeder) and for Christmas he bought his kids Tommy and Suzie (Chase Pollock and Lexi Golden) a rescue dog called Rusty.
on Christmas Eve, Santa Claus (Edward Asner) accidentally
flies off with Rusty which isn’t discovered until he returns to the North Pole
so he has no idea where he acquired the stowaway and can only narrow it down to
somewhere between Arizona and Japan.
Nathan takes the kids on an epic journey through the twelve days of Christmas
starting with his mum (Elaine Partnow) in Canada then onto the North Pole via
Alaska to get their beloved dog back and reunite the family.
(Note of warning, the last ten minutes goes into a global warming narrative which I don’t want to see in a Christmas movie)