Thursday 18 August 2022



Jen (Natalie Clark) travels to the Highlands to spend Christmas at the holiday home of the man in her life, unfortunately he is there with a wife and child that she didn’t know existed.

Meanwhile Rob (Kenny Boyle) had made the same journey with the intention to propose to his girlfriend, but when he does, she not only turned him down but also said she wasn’t in love with him.

So, the two lovelorn strangers with contrasting personalities come together at the railway station while waiting for a train that isn’t going to come and no way to get home for Christmas, with the weather closing in.

With no public transport and unable to get a cab Jen steals her boyfriend’s sports car and they head south in a car totally unsuitable for winter driving in the Highlands.

They eventually get stuck and have to walk until they happen upon a Hotel.

Where they join a motley crowd, Inn keeper (Sanjeev Kohli), guests including (Sylvester McCoy, Clare Grogan, Frazer Hines and Caitlin Blackwood) all sadly lacking in Christmas spirit.

Both betrayed by love and down on their luck Jen and Rob manage to find solace in each other and they even manage to resurrect Christmas for themselves and their companions.

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